Time Travel

The more that you work from a reactive, latest and loudest standpoint (for some people that's their default setting) the easier it is to think that a project for a client that's due in four months time isn't something that you need to worry about at the moment. 

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Chris Beaumont
Where did I put it?

It's a lot easier to see that one really important email if it's not competing for space with the other 3674 messages in your inbox. The one with the great new opportunity, or the request for a quote, or the confirmation you've been waiting for from the new client asking "when can we get started?"

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Chris Beaumont
Latest and Loudest

Responding to "latest and loudest" is a choice. The problem is that if you don't have a complete inventory of all of your choices about what you work  on latest and loudest quickly becomes your default. 

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Chris Beaumont
7 Steps to end meeting frustration

Have you ever looked at your diary at the start of the week and seen it crammed full of meetings? Some days all you seem to do is to rush from one meeting to the next. Here are some ideas for making meetings useful and productive.

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Chris Beaumont